RWD + PMR: A Powerful Approach to Demand Forecasting, Segmentation and More

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Predictive insights on stakeholder behavior are crucial, whether for demand assessments, segmentation, message testing, market mapping or ATUs—and the more rooted in reality these predictions are, the more confidence in the estimates and outputs. Join Trinity Insights experts Clive Mendonca, Managing Director & Head of Quantitative Insights and Amod Athavale, Director & Head of Integrated Insights as they lead a lively discussion of the applications and benefits of using integrated insights from PMR and real-world data (RWD).

Key Webinar Topics

  • Demand Forecasting—Achieving greater accuracy to inform brand decisions
  • Segmentation—Generating better attitudinal and perceptions data to bolster predictive models and more refined targeting
  • AIML-driven Insight Integration—Enhancing the impact of predictive insights by seamlessly “weaving” them into subsequent initiatives


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