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Brazil’s Latest Updates to Drug Coverage in the Private Sector: Anticipated Impact and Implications

Published October 14, 2022

Executive Summary The “ANS rol” defines the minimum mandatory coverage of services (diagnostics, procedures, and treatments) in the private sector. While private providers could opt to provide coverage beyond this list, in practice, the “ANS rol” has traditionally been seen as the maximum coverage that would be provided with anything beyond the “ANS Rol” being typically rejected Law 14.454/2022 published in September 2022 establishes that the “ANS Rol” will dictate the minimum coverage that private payers need to provide, but…

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Japan’s Latest Drug Pricing Policy Updates: Key Changes in 2022 and the Expected Impact

Published September 6, 2022

Executive Summary A series of new drug pricing reforms came into effect in Japan in April 2022, to encourage innovation and ensure the transparency and predictability of drug pricing in the future These include updates to the cost-accounting pricing methodology, an expansion of the scope of the Price Maintenance Premium (PMP), an update to the spillover rule for drug re-pricing and an addition of a new “specific use” premium. Further details are outlined in the graphic below. Summary of Japan’s…

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Dragon’s Offer: Imparting Wisdom About Market Access Through the NRDL in China

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What do pharmaceutical manufacturers need to know to successfully navigate the market access landscape in China through the latest NRDL update? The access landscape in China is rapidly evolving with important implications for novel medicines. The most recent update of China’s National Reimbursement Drug List (NRDL) in 2021 focused on the expansion of new and high-cost innovative therapies and highlighted the improving access environment for these drugs. In this webinar, Trinity Life Sciences’ Value, Access and Pricing experts will provide…

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Pharmaceutical Innovation: Italy’s AIFA Algorithm for Assessing New Products

Published April 8, 2022

The Assessment Process of Innovativeness of a New Medicine in Italy In April 2017, AIFA (Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco, Italian Medicines Agency) released an upgraded algorithm to assess and evaluate the level of innovativeness of new drugs seeking reimbursement from the EUR one billion innovative medicine fund made available by the Italian MoH (Ministero della Salute, Ministry of Health). The algorithm introduced in 2017 provides a multi-dimensional approach: innovativeness will be judged by AIFA’s CTS (Commissione Tecnico-Scientifica, Technical and Scientific…

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France Pilots Opportunity to Increase Speed to Reimbursement for Select Innovative Products

Published March 29, 2022

Executive Summary French president Emmanuel Macron announced a two-year trial that will allow pharmaceutical products that receive an ‘Amélioration du Service Médical Rendu’ (ASMR) rating of IV or better to get reimbursement immediately after the evaluation by the Transparency Committee (TC) In these cases, price negotiations will start while the new therapies are already on the market This new reform started in January 2022 as part of a two-year pilot project and is expected to significantly reduce the average time…

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How Effective is ANVISA’s Rare Diseases Expedited Approval Pathway [RDC 205]?

Published March 18, 2022

Key Takeaways An analysis was conducted of all the orphan therapies registered by the FDA and ANVISA before and after 2018 to effectively evaluate approval times once the RDC 205 pathway was implemented. The main takeaways from the analysis can be found below:​ ​The difference between FDA and ANVISA time to approval for orphan drugs is four times shorter after the implementation of the RDC 205 / 2017 pathway​ The RDC 2015 pathway regulated the deadlines for the regulatory and…

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HTA/Reimbursement Evolution and Priorities for Assessment in a Value-Based Healthcare Environment in Latin America

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This session will discuss trends in the HTA/Reimbursement environment in Latin America and the drivers for value-based health care (VBHC) implementation within the region. The potential benefits of VBHC, stakeholders’ roles in VBHC, contextual barriers and facilitators for VBHC implementation, and potential future impact of VBHC to healthcare in the region will be discussed by a panel of speakers. Note: The webinar will be presented in Spanish and Portuguese with PowerPoint Slides shown in English.Dr. Hector Castro will moderate the session and…

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EU Adopts Regulation on Pan-European Health Technology Assessment

Published February 18, 2022

Executive Summary A new pan-European Health Technology Assessment (HTA) regulation that will redefine the processes for the evaluation of new medicines in the EU entered into force in January 2022 Although it will not become fully active until 2025, the new regulation will require EU member states to give “due consideration” to joint clinical assessment (JCA) reports and provide feedback to the European Commission These new JCAs will only focus on the clinical domain of HTAs and thus they will…

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Key Changes to Health Technology Assessments (HTAs) in the UK

Published February 2, 2022

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) will mark the start of 2022 by implementing changes to health technology assessments (HTAs), demonstrating adaptability of regulatory bodies as medical technologies continue to evolve. The final HTA changes aim to provide earlier and more equitable access to treatments as well as display increased flexibility in the evaluation of new health technologies. As part of NICE’s plan to modernize healthcare, the changes will apply to both digital therapeutics as well as…

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Bypassing NICE: Manufacturers are Looking Towards NHS England to Support Early Access

Published December 6, 2021

Executive Summary The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) is the major reimbursement body and pathway to achieving market access in England, although products that have not been evaluated by NICE or have received a negative NICE outcome can still achieve local access through CCGs (Clinical Commissioning Groups) In 2017, NHS England announced deals facilitating patient access to two innovative treatments (KADCYLA and STRENSIQ). KADCYLA’s previous negative NICE recommendation in HER2+ breast cancer and strong patient advocacy from…

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