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Learn From the Past – Launch Better Tomorrow

Available On Demand

Whether you are an emerging, mid-tier or large-tier company preparing for launch, this webinar is a must-watch.

Join us for an informative webinar as our experts dive into Trinity Life Sciences’ latest white paper, the Trinity Annual Drug Index—an evaluation of commercial performance over three years of 58 novel drugs approved in 2020.

Hear from Blair Miller, Krista Perry, Hanson Koota and Smit Mahida from our Strategic Advisory practice as they discuss the impacts of COVID on the 2020 launch class. They will share key themes and emerging trends in the industry as we move towards a new world of targeted and innovative therapies.

Learn from drugs with outstanding performance and discover how to apply these learnings to launch better tomorrow.

In Case You Missed It

Click here to read our white paper entitled Trinity Annual Drug Index: Evaluating the Commercial Performances of Novel Drugs Approved in 2020.


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