Home / Intelligence / Scientific Publications / U.S. Prevalence & Mortality of Prader-Willi Syndrome: A Population-Based Study of Medical Claims
Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a complex developmental genetic disorder associated with hypotonia, poor feeding in neonates, onset of hyperphagia in early childhood, and shorter overall life expectancy. Prior epidemiology studies of PWS have examined smaller populations, with limited research in a US population. The aim of this study was to provide a contemporary estimate of PWS prevalence and annual all-cause mortality in the US using a large administrative medical claims dataset.
Shawn McCandless, Marissa Suh, David Yin, Michael Yeh, Shawn Czado, Sina Aghsaei, Justin Li, Kevin Francis, Nandini Hadker, Diane Stafford
Journal of the Endocrine Society; Volume 4; Issue Supplement_1; April-May 2020
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