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Who “Owns” the Customer in Customer Engagement?

October 3, 2024 | 1:00 - 1:45 PM ET

If you are struggling to answer this question, you are not alone. With the rising adoption of digital and virtual approaches to customer engagement, companies are facing more complexity in commercialization. In this webinar, we will bring new, real-world insights and data to the increasingly common challenge of who “owns” the customer and how to effectively collaborate cross-functionally to drive performance.

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Access and Reimbursement: Access to Digital Therapeutics in a Post-COVID-19 World

Published July 14, 2020

Executive Summary Digital therapeutics (DTx) represent a novel approach to delivering improved clinical outcomes, but the unstructured nature of today’s DTx access process has presented a major hurdle to broader uptake Payers are still at very different stages in their acceptance of DTx, and in contrast with traditional pharmaceuticals, buy-in from senior leadership will be an essential part of the top-down decision-making process for DTx prioritization Pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) have taken a leadership role in facilitating a pathway for digital therapeutics adoption, and they are likely to…

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Commercial VP/SVP Pipeline Development for Women in Life Sciences

A life science company engaged TGaS Advisors to: Investigate drivers for gender diversity in VP/SVP commercial roles Benchmark high-performing companies (in/ex industry) with above-average numbers of women in executive roles Benchmark the key competencies and skills of women in executive commercial roles Complete the form below to view the brief…

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2019 NRDL: Insights for Future Pricing Negotiations in China

Published June 2, 2020

Executive Summary China’s 2019 National Reimbursement Drug List (NRDL) update offers manufacturers key learnings and insights for future NRDL negotiations, particularly with respect to the negotiation tactics used in different disease areas; although in most disease areas the comparative negotiation rule was employed during the 2019 NRDL, the use of a new competitive negotiation rule employed in the hepatitis C disease area characterized the 2019 NRDL negotiations; under this rule, no base price was set and manufacturers were invited to…

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COVID-19 Briefing Series: Launch in the Age of COVID-19

While COVID-19 is grinding world economies to a potentially disastrous halt, the pharmaceutical and biotech industry continues to move forward at a slower pace. How can companies ensure an agile launch despite the uncertainty and ensure launch success during and in a post-COVID-19 world? Publication Access Form…

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COVID-19 Briefing Series: Telehealth as the New Normal

Highlights from Trinity’s Recent Research Focused on Telehealth Since earlier this year when the COVID-19 virus outbreak began and quickly made its way around the globe, the way in which we operate has changed. Virtual communication for personal as well as business interactions is on the rise. Publication Access Form…

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COVID-19 Briefing Series: European HCP Perspectives

Highlights from Trinity’s Recent Research Focused on European HCP The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have an unprecedented impact on our lives and is disrupting businesses as it spreads worldwide. As the EU5 countries comprise some of the most important pharmaceutical markets, and with Italy, Spain and France includes countries which have been impacted significantly from COVID-19, Trinity aimed to understand the impact on HCP engagement with Market Research. Publication access form…

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COVID-19 Briefing Series: Forecasting Peer Connect

Perspectives from 50+ Industry Forecasting Leaders, Highlights from Trinity’s Recent Research Focused on BioPharma Forecasting In a time of peak uncertainty, forecasters are being called on to answer some of the industry’s toughest questions surrounding the impact of COVID-19. Trinity is bringing together the latest data on challenges forecasters have been experiencing over the past few weeks. This research activity is a joint project of Trinity’s Forecasting Center of Excellence and its benchmarking division, TGaS Advisors. Publication Access Form…

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COVID-19 Briefing Series: Impact of COVID-19 on Healthcare Market Research

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have an unprecedented impact on our lives and is disrupting businesses as it spreads worldwide. The social distancing measures that are critically important to address the pandemic present new challenges with patient recruitment for clinical trials, market research, and drug launches. In this time of uncertainty, Trinity is assessing the impact on market research services including the ability of healthcare providers to participate in research. In its latest brief, “Impact of COVID-19 on Healthcare Market…

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Case Studies

Mapping Payer & Employer Perceptions of Novel Migraine Therapies to Support Access Strategy Development

Trinity conducted a payer and employer advisory board to understand current perceptions of novel migraine therapies and potential strategies to improve access. Geographic Scope: Client Situation The client wanted to gather the payer and employer perspective on how the migraine landscape is evolving, and pressure test key strategic options as well as messages that they had developed. The employers included:  Coca-Cola Company, Metro Nashville Public Schools, St. Louis Community College, and Vibra Healthcare. Trinity’s Solution Trinity conducted an unblinded advisory board with a diverse…

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