Navigating the Early Asset Evaluation Journey with Confidence
Available On Demand
There is no room for missteps along the journey to evaluate the viability of assets in early stages of development. When making go/no go decisions, many critical questions must be answered across the early asset lifecycle.
Join a team of cross-functional experts from Trinity Life Sciences for a lively panel discussion on how to approach early commercial assessment with insight from various perspectives. The team will share real-life examples highlighting what life sciences companies need to be thinking about and common pitfalls they must avoid to navigate the early asset evaluation journey with confidence.
Key Webinar Topics
- What are the critical questions along the asset evaluation journey?
- How do you identify which indication to prioritize to maximize value?
- To what extent do you enable R&D vs. Commercial to drive the decision?
- How can you drive smart, lean insights and analytics for a new asset?
- When and how do you typically consider regionality in the process?