
Trinity Marketing Communications Insights

Best-in-class MarCom insights through expert-led, flexible research

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Testing promotional and educational materials is a vital step in producing top-notch marketing communications.

The path to gathering the quant and/or qual information needed to select and refine communications materials is dictated by a mix of budget, timeline and content—and each brand’s needs and objectives are different.

Communications Materials
Selection & Refinement

To produce high-impact messaging and visuals, a spectrum of different considerations need to be applied at speed, including:

  • Life sciences research expertise across therapeutic area, target audience and global nuance
  • Broad strategic objectives that marketing materials support
  • Cross-functional context to inform and ease implementation
  • Innovative technologies to generate qualitative insights at a quantitative scale, powered by AI to achieve accurate results faster
  • Evaluation for “campaignability”
  • Agency collaboration for actionable insights

Trinity is the only company that offers support across this spectrum with behavioral science integration.

The Trinity Advantage

Trinity’s Marketing Communications Insights Center of Excellence (COE) has partnered with life sciences marketing teams and agencies on thousands of marketing communications studies throughout the launch cycle, including positioning research, concept testing, message testing and visual aid development.
Fast, accurate insights 
  • AI integration and a dedicated COE of experts enabling action-oriented insights with speed to impact
  • Real-time insights and analysis using our proprietary research technology
Deep life sciences expertise
  • Expertise in the nuances of life sciences research via appropriate research methodologies and therapeutic area/message evidence requirements
  • Holistic lens of implementation in omnichannel, Next Best Action and other marketing tactics
  • In-house moderators experienced in qualitative life sciences research with graduate-level training in psychosocial interviewing techniques
  • Understanding of materials development from a content and process perspective across lifecycle phases

Trinity offers a portfolio of solutions to assess healthcare professional (HCP)- and patient-focused educational and marketing materials.

Positioning Research

Positioning Research

  • Exploratory research to identify marketplace knowledge gaps
  • Testing to assess clarity, credibility and value proposition resonance

Visual Aids

Visual Aids

  • Qualitative and quantitative research to test for comprehensiveness, clarity, persuasiveness and fit with value story
  • Evaluation of visual and textual elements
  • Objection handlers and activation strategy

Unbranded Creative

Unbranded Creative

  • Communication of the scientific benefits, mechanistic rationale and clinical benefit
  • Disease state education campaign concept and message testing research

Branded Creative

Branded Creative

  • Brand elements (logo, colors, keywords, typeface) testing
  • Creative concept and message testing
  • In-person research to gauge non-verbal and emotional reactions



  • Exploratory qualitive research to identify brand story elements and key themes
  • Iterative research for message refinement
  • Quantitative research for preference and prioritization

Marketing Communications Insights cover

Marketing Communications
Insights Brochure

  • Behavioral Science In Action

    Trinity uses a unique behavioral science approach to uncover the subconscious drivers of the “why” and pinpoint true motivators of behavior.

    Rather than relying on the expertise and interpretation of market researchers on the back-end, our team of experts build behavioral science directly into the research framework.

    • Discussion guides and research stimuli are crafted to access latent desires and decision-making processes before rational discussion occurs.
    • This practice allows understanding of how people truly make decisions.

    Trinity operationalizes heuristics and biases into our research strategy, rather than identifying them during analysis.

    • Standard direct questioning sometimes misses nuances and underlying meaning as respondents are telling us the “rational” story behind their preformed unconscious decisions. Approaching the subconscious first establishes the primal mechanisms that are driving decisions.
    • Identifying subconscious motivators and levers that can be pulled through to affect behavioral change is only possible when you methodologically approach the subconscious first.

    This unique approach leads to more robust, data-driven insights, which are mapped against project imperatives. These insights fuel strategic recommendations on how to target and communicate to customers—and ultimately drive revenue to client brands.

    Our insights are more durable because they hinge on subconscious motivators rather than rational explanations (which are likely to change). This durability allows clients to apply insights to other research questions—and Trinity’s size and agility allow us to support large, multi-stream workflows and quickly scale capacity to provide end-to-end support.


  • MarCom Insights In Action

    Trinity’s proprietary research technology includes novel features for MarCom testing:

    • Integrated features allow for an enhanced all-in-one experience both during individual interviews and throughout the research process
    • Materials (e.g., concepts, messages, visual aids, etc.) can be integrated and displayed during interviews to create a cohesive experience
    • An interactive collection of research metrics (e.g., rankings, ratings, polling) ensures an elevated and consistent interview experience to keep respondents engaged
    • Data storage across interviews provides easy, efficient results tracking to stay up to date with research findings
    • Immediate deliverables to keep the team engaged and up to date throughout fieldwork

    Trinity develops best-in-class insights through a high-touch, boutique model with multiple levels of service. Clients are able to:

    • Drive close collaboration with agencies with Trinity’s “co-creation” process, which provides tools to translate market research into effective materials
    • Mitigate the risk of unintentionally communicating the wrong message
    • Leverage experienced researchers to map out the best path to deliver insights by internal deadlines
    • Navigate budget and timing constraints with realistic, creative market research solutions


Explore secure Generative AI solutions for Market Research Insights

Latest Trinity Marketing Communications Insights Intelligence


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White Papers

Tethering to Reality: Integrating HCP-level Real-World Data into Brand Share Estimation

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RWD + PMR = Tethering Demand Forecasts to Reality

Reliable forecast models are a cornerstone of any successful commercialization plan. The inputs that drive those forecast models are critical. From 2020 through 2022: Only 1 in 10 products had performance aligned with forecasted expectations* Nearly 60% underperformed their forecast expectations More than 30% overperformed Forecast models often rely on healthcare professional (HCP)-reported behavioral data. […]

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Meet Our Trinity Marketing Communications Insights Experts

If you have any questions, we’re here to answer them.
We look forward to helping identify solutions for you.