New Making AI Real Webinar Series

Unlock the Potential of Generative AI in Life Sciences Insights and Operations

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Generative AI (GenAI) has created an opportunity to re-think and significantly improve how we work. Although far from replacing humans, GenAI has the potential to make pharma professionals far more effective and valuable to their organizations. 

Join us for “Making AI Real,” a webinar series from Trinity Life Sciences dedicated to exploring how to leverage generative AI across different areas within pharmaceutical commercial operations and medical affairs. 

Our first webinar in this series will be on AI for Insights: discover how generative AI can transform the way your company interacts with and leverages its proprietary customer and market research. We will explore what “good” looks like now and where this technology is going in the future to enable Insights professionals to be more effective and valuable to their organizations. 

In Case You Missed It

Watch the other webinars in our “Making AI Real” webinar series:

Making AI Real in Medical Affairs

Human Centered Design Approach to GenAI for Life Sciences


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