Burden of Cremophor-related Paclitaxel Therapy on Patients with Ovarian Cancer: A Patient Focused Study from the United Kingdom, Germany, and Spain.

Home / Intelligence / Scientific Publications / Burden of Cremophor-related Paclitaxel Therapy on Patients with Ovarian Cancer: A Patient Focused Study from the United Kingdom, Germany, and Spain.

Cremophor EL (CrEL) is a solubilizer used in paclitaxel and is associated with side effects (i.e., hypersensitivity reactions, peripheral neuropathy). Current CrEL-containing therapies require long infusion times (2-4 hours) and pre-medication with steroids to manage these side-effects. However, the holistic burden of CrEL on patients is not well studied. This study aimed to characterize the burden associated with CrEL-paclitaxel treatment on patients with ovarian cancer, including clinical, safety, and quality of life (QoL) implications.


Diana Brixner, Anke-Peggy Holtorf, Ayesha Bhatia, Bhagyashree Oak, Sumudu Dehipawala, Clive Whitcher, Kate McKinley, Kyle Martin, Nandini Hadker


ASCO 2022

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