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The Next Wave of Global AI Medical Devices: Innovation in Action

Published July 19, 2024

A recent bipartisan initiative by Senators Martin Heinrich, Mike Rounds, Marsha Blackburn and Todd Young urged the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to establish a formal payment pathway for algorithm-based health care services (ABHS). This move addresses the need for stable Medicare reimbursement for FDA-cleared AI and machine learning (ML) medical devices, which aid in diagnosis and treatment. This initiative underscores AI’s transformative potential in healthcare, prompting Deepak Sahu, Managing Director at Trinity Life Sciences, and Michelle (武丹…

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Human Centered Design Approach to GenAI for Life Sciences

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We need to think through not just whether GenAI works, but how we make it usable for people and impactful for our business…The next webinar in our “Making AI Real” webinar series will focus on people, process and technology—three interconnected components that are key to successful GenAI implementation.Join Trinity Life Sciences’ GenAI experts for actionable takeaways about ​​what you should be doing now in these three areas to position your company for success. We will also get “hands on” with…

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Making AI Real in Medical Affairs

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Join us for the next webinar in our “Making AI Real” webinar series, where we will focus on practical applications of generative AI for Medical Affairs.Medical Affairs teams are rapidly adopting generative AI to work more efficiently and effectively, although key challenges have begun to emerge. In this webinar, we will explore the best use cases that Medical Affairs teams can (and should) be implementing now to make the greatest impact for their organizations—and how to avoid the common pitfalls…

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Unlock the Potential of Generative AI in Life Sciences Insights and Operations

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Generative AI (GenAI) has created an opportunity to re-think and significantly improve how we work. Although far from replacing humans, GenAI has the potential to make pharma professionals far more effective and valuable to their organizations. Join us for “Making AI Real,” a webinar series from Trinity Life Sciences dedicated to exploring how to leverage generative AI across different areas within pharmaceutical commercial operations and medical affairs. Our first webinar in this series will be on AI for Insights: discover how generative AI…

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Insights & Analytics in Life Sciences: How to Embrace a Future with Generative AI

Published December 18, 2023

First, A Few Potentially Unsettling Truths Adoption and adaptation to Generative AI (GenAI) is a strategic imperative for pharma commercial insights departments if they want to maintain and enhance their relevance, impact, and strategic value within their organizations. Organizations are increasingly data-driven; market research teams that do not leverage AI will struggle to provide the timely, nuanced insights that modern pharma marketing organizations demand, diminishing their role in critical decision-making processes. Top talent gravitates towards innovation. Departments that fail to…

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Cracking the Code on Generative AI: From Hype to Impact

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Watched our AIML 101 webinar and ready to learn more? Trinity Life Sciences is excited to continue the conversation with our next webinar, which will dive deeper into how pharma companies can move beyond the hype to unlock the value of Generative AI (GenAI). Join Trinity experts, Steve Laux, VP of Commercial Insights & Advanced Analytics, Nabha Subramanya, VP of Data Science and Patrick Waring, Director of New Products & Strategy, as they sift through all the noise surrounding GenAI and share…

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Patient Finding with AIML: Increasing Targeting Precision and Field Force Pull Through

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There are four key pieces to Patient Finding: Identifying, collating and integrating the right data Defining the appropriate test population Building the right features in the model Planning and executing actions once you’ve found the patients All four are crucial to successfully find patients. Join Adrienne Lovink, Partner and Head of Real-World Evidence (RWE) at Trinity Life Sciences, as she hosts a lively discussion on the ins and outs of Patient Finding with Trinity panelists Steve Laux, Vice President of…

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AIML-Based Patient Finding—Threading the Needle in the Haystack

Published July 21, 2023

For life sciences companies focused on rare diseases, accurate patient finding is a worthy challenge—one deserving dedicated time and resource to tackling and solving. The benefit of enrolling even one new patient is large, both for the lives of patients in need and the commercial success of the therapies. Why is patient finding in rare disease such a challenge? The hallmarks of a rare disease work against traditional targeting methods: small patient population sizes, complex disease recognition, lengthy roads to…

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The Future of AI for Market Access: An ISPOR US 2023 Recap

Published July 17, 2023

This year Trinity team members at ISPOR 2023 attended several symposia and presentations on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to support biopharma evidence generation. Among many industry trends, experts anticipate that AI and machine learning will increasingly be leveraged to identify optimal patient populations and expedite the path toward personalized medicine. Pioneering New Frontiers in Health Economics and Market Access: The transformative power of AI, ML and advanced data analytics This symposium focused on the role of innovative technologies…

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Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning 101

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You have likely heard all the buzz around Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AIML), but what does it really mean? It’s time to cut through the complexity during Trinity Life Sciences’ AIML 101 webinar. This webinar is designed for the AIML novice, who knows very little about the topic but doesn’t want to be left behind. AIML is here. Be ready with Trinity. Key Webinar Topics What is Artificial Intelligence? What is Machine Learning? Are they different? We’ll demystify how…

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