Solving a Pervasive Challenge: Breaking Down Silos in Life Sciences

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Experts at Trinity Life Sciences interact with the inner workings of pharma from many perspectives as they engage with teams across life sciences organizations.

A common observation is that teams are working in silos: often unaware of what other teams are doing, sometimes pulling in different directions and frequently experiencing frustrations.

Internally, siloed working can create delays, unnecessary budget burn and re-work. Externally, it can result in negative coverage decisions or market underperformance, which ultimately impacts the patient. In some cases, there is nominal inclusion, but the opportunities for true synergy are rarely captured.

Through experience over nearly 30 years, Trinity’s experts have found that malaise or tension between teams can be solved by developing core strategies and functional plans that involve the right people, address the intersectionality required for success and take a long-term view.

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