Reimbursement of Digital Therapeutics in the U.S.

What Is the Outlook?

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Digital therapeutics (DTx) are impacting how patients are treated, interact with their providers and think about their own health. DTx have garnered interest from the investment community as well as pharma companies seeking an integrated digital offering. However, payers have not yet established a clear framework for integrating these technologies in their plans.

Coverage of DTx to date has been limited and the outlook for it is unclear. We spoke to four medical and pharmacy directors from large payer organizations in the U.S. to understand how the payer landscape for DTx might evolve in the future.

Download this white paper to understand:

  • The current requirements for DTx coverage in the U.S.
  • Perspectives from payers about the future of DTx coverage – including the feasibility and mechanics of a digital formulary in a future DTx market landscape
  • How Pear Therapeutics positioned itself as a leader in developing and commercializing prescription DTx (case study)
  • Key implications for DTx manufacturers, pharmaceutical manufacturers, providers and patients

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