The Next Era in U.S. Healthcare Policy & Access Series

Looking Ahead to the November Election and Beyond

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As healthcare policy and the access landscape evolve, biopharma companies face challenges in navigating this ever-changing space. To help organizations prepare for and adapt to these changes, Trinity Life Sciences is offering a new webinar series, The Next Era in U.S. Healthcare Policy & Access.

Join us for the first webinar in the series, Looking Ahead to the November Election and Beyond, where Maximilian Hunt, Partner at Trinity, will host an interactive discussion with health policy expert, Lisa Joldersma, Founder and President, Birch Point Strategies.

Hear their insights and get YOUR questions answered on what biopharma companies should be looking out for with the U.S. elections on the horizon.

Key Webinar Topics

  • How is the biopharma industry preparing for the U.S. elections in November? How should they be preparing?
  • What policy proposals or initiatives should commercial and access leaders at biopharma companies be watching at the Federal and State level in 2024?
  • What aspects of major party platforms are most relevant to biopharma?  
  • How might election outcomes in 2024 set the stage for the next two to four years in the U.S.?
In Case You Missed It

Register for the second webinar in our “Next Era in U.S Healthcare Policy & Access Series”

Policy Change Through Another Lens: Impact on Health Plans and Implications for Biopharma


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