Early Payer Guidance Across Four Inflammatory Disease Areas

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Trinity completed an early payer guidance engagement, conducting comprehensive secondary research across four inflammatory disease areas.

Geographic Scope:

Client Situation

The client wanted to gain an in-depth understanding of four inflammatory disease areas to inform early stage decision-making.

Trinity’s Solution

Trinity conducted comprehensive secondary research in the following areas:

  • Disease background including diagnosis, prognosis, epidemiology and unmet needs
  • Current and future paradigm including lines of therapies and standard of care
  • Pipeline analysis including key therapies in development and future treatment gamechangers
  • Pricing and access landscape including pricing analysis, health technology assessment (HTA) outcomes and access status


Four disease-specific early payer guidance reports powered by comprehensive secondary research efforts into disease background, current and future treatment paradigm, pipeline analysis and pricing and access landscape.

Project Outcomes & Impact

Trinity’s comprehensive secondary research and landscape analyses helped the client to make early-stage decisions across therapeutic areas of interest from a future business development perspective.

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